Not sure what to share on Social Media?
Having the right type of imagery is the difference between having a social media feed that can convert, to an image that makes no impact.
Instagram and Facebook can convert just as many sales as your standard website. However, if shared incorrectly they can also turn away just as many people. We have all see those images that are clearly stock photography. There is a time and place to use stock photography but when you are trying to sell something you want an image that represents what you have to offer.
To help you with choosing the perfect image for social media I have compiled a list of things you should be looking for in the image you decide to share.
1. Use Quality Images:
Social Media is all about visual marketing, if your images are not representing good quality then people will expect your business offers poor quality. So be sure you are sharing images that are a good representation to the quality of service you offer. This means clear and consistent to your business branding.
2. Images with Meaning:
The images you share should somewhat reflect your brand and your company. Remember to share images that have meaning and a purpose. Example: In my above Boudoir Ego Instagram my images are all boudoir. You would not want to add photos of your baby on a boudoir page.
3. Images with your target clients:
The images you show should have people you want to sell too. Example: If you are a Family Photographer then you will want families on your page. Taking this a step further, if you prefer to shoot families on the beach then your family photos that you share should be photos taken on the beach.
4. Images that provoke emotion:
We are emotional creatures, striking emotion will build a stronger connection with the client. My most popular asked for image is one of my client holding a pillow and laughing. People can relate to emotion so they are typically more drawn to the images that provoke an emotional response. Example: If you are a wedding photographer show the images of the bride or groom crying with happy tears. People are more drawn to these images.
5. Have a purpose:
All images should have a purpose and a reason to reach your audience. When you take photos or post something there should always be a purpose behind the image. Sometimes its to promote another business and sometimes its to announce a special.
7. Color Choice:
Choose images with color that is striking or colors that represent your brand. Remember this “Consistency is KEY” you want your images and your work to be consistent with your work.
8. Convey your Voice:
Set the tone, are you happy, fun, funny, and serious. Your images should reflect your tone. If your work is to promote positiveness then you need to have images that “say” positive. This sets the tone for what your client can expect to get from you.
Lastly HAVE FUN! Creating a social media feed can be time consuming and a daunting task. I highly suggest using a tool to plan ahead like LATER . This way you can plan ahead and view your Instagram feed months ahead of time.